Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I seem to be spending all my time running from place to place these days... mainly since I have guests- who are buying costumes... o its trips to the Khan, and the various designers for fittings etc etc.... so lots of time spent in taxi's. And of course- running to work every night... Its all go... if you are in Cairo and want to see me dance over next week these are my dates...

Golden pharoah- wed 16th, thurs 17th, fri 18th, sat 19th and sun 20th
Nile Pharoah- mon 21st, tues 22nd, wed 23rd

then I am off to Scotland for a short holiday!!!! I'll need it - that will have been 27 nights in a row performing without a break. My body feels fit- but oh so very tired!

had the best show of my life so far last night.... people were screaming and standing and dancing on chairs.... completely mad, even the women in neqab- and there were a lot- were all smiling and dancing with their hands and very very supportive- it felt wonderful- and was a HUGE amount of fun!

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